So what is your first love?
Maybe you say, my parents or my friends or my maid or my neighbor’s aunt or someone else. But… why not your first love is yourself?
It’s not about selfishness but it’s about unselfishness with yourself.
My first love is myself, I also love my parents and friends but, they are secondary.
Because if I can’t taking care of myself or I’m not taking my responsibility for myself then how can I expect it from others?
And that’s what self-love teaches us. So if you can’t love yourself then how can you say that someone will come and love you.
And that is the core meaning of self-love,
“If you don’t love yourself or taking care of yourself then why you expect it from others?”
That’s right, whether you agree or not.
And when I’m talking that I love my self then don’t think that I hugged myself right now or doing sex with myself-don’t think that, It’s feeling creepy.
And taking care of yourself or taking all your responsibility is not a bad thing until you started to do sex with yourself.
Did you know what is the biggest and the best thing about self-love?
It is that when you start to love yourself and if you do it with consistency you’ll start to believe in yourself, your self-confidence will be stronger and when you start to believe in yourself, you don’t need to get any type of confirmation from anyone that you can do something in your life or not because now you know about yourself more than anyone on this planet.
First of all, let’s separate self from love and talk about love.
So, what is love? Or what is the definition of love?
Love is not anything to define to tell about but it is a feeling to feel it.
Feel it from inside of yourself — when you are out of town or away from family then what your mom will ask you first?
Have you ate or not? Are you comfortable there or not?- and THAT IS LOVE.
And your dad is taking your responsibility so you can feel comfortable and safe-isn’t love?
Or say when you’re talking to your girlfriend or boyfriend what you’ll ask him/her?
In one of the interviews of Simon Sinek-an an author and inspirational speaker, say that there are not exact parameters or matrix to calculate love and maybe not the date when you are started to love or someone fall in love with yourself. Maybe someone falls in love with you because you started to taking care of her/him.
And sex is also a part of love; it felt the gap of awkwardness between you and your partner.
And you just need to do it with yourself. Not sex but, taking care and responsibility of yourself for yourself.
And self-love is important, because in this world of “digital zombies” or say the world of social media we just try to impress others in all things, either it’s our thought or our clothes.
That’s why people go to changing rooms of any garment shop or mall and taking photos of wearing different clothes, just to upload on social media. And why they do it? Just to feel jealous others and getting more likes and followers.
And even they didn’t know what the hell they do with those likes, followers, and jealous others.
You may also see some adults with different and unfathomable clothes, shoes, chains, and their butts holding their pants, they only wear to catch themselves in other people’s eyes-and they succeeded; even they don’t like to wear it.
Let me share my story of self-love- a real story.
I love black and navy blue color and my all accessories and other things are of either black or navy blue colored.
Whenever I buy new things my mother gets angry at me that why I only wear black or navy blue colored things.
And every time my answer is the same, ‘because I love it.’
But when I tried to do things which I love or which I want to do, I also felt different because before buying any accessories I ask myself that, if people like this or not and then I buy that thing.
And then I told myself that fuck them- I’m buying clothes or any accessories for myself with my money(not my but my father’s money- because I’m not earning right now so if you’re reading this then saw me some gram of sympathy and share this to others otherwise your ex will come back in your life to spoil it).
And then I also started it with my all things, like my work, my thoughts, my reading materials, books which I buy, etc.
But have you ever tried to impress yourself? Or to wear what you love! Or do things which you love to do?
So why not you start it with your clothes, for some days wear clothes which you have and ask yourself if this I like it or not?
If the answer is yes then wear it.
And if the answer is no then change it.
After you are comfortable then start to do with your all things and also with your thoughts (which indirectly purify your thoughts that what to think and whatnot.).
Just try it for some days, and you feel more good and confident because you did things which you love to do.
Nourish yourself and your soul however you want, and…
“Don’t make yourself a puppet so that people will use you as they please.”
Do things which you love to do.
Wear clothes which you love to wear.
If you don’t do it before you die, you’ll feel shame on yourself. So why not start today?
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Through your thoughts in the comment box, I would love to catch them.
We will meet soon.